From boosting your immune system to boosting office morale there's more ways eating fruit benefits us than you may think!
The healthy eating trend is constantly growing in Australia and the popularity of fruit boxes delivered to workplaces keeps growing.
So, we've looked into some of the health benefits and other reasons to consider a regular order of fruits and vegetables to your office.

1) Gets all the perks of a daily dose of vitamins and minerals
We all need a healthy diet with the right balance of vitamins and minerals to for our bodies to function correctly, and eating fruit can certainly aid in that.
Here are the most common vitamins and minerals that you'll probably find in your office fruit bowl, and what proven health benefits they have:
- Vitamin C: A strong antioxidant that protects and strengthens the immune system. Found commonly in all citrus fruits.
- Vitamin A: Fights infections, inflammation and helps with brain, heart, kidney and immune function. Found commonly in stone fruits like apricots and nectarines.
- Vitamin E: Strengthens immunity, eyesight and encourages healthy skin. Found commonly in berries and kiwi fruit.
- Potassium: Supports blood pressure, cardiovascular health and decreases fatigue. Found commonly in most fruits. Try bananas, oranges, honeydew melon and apricots for an extra dose.
- Fibre: Dietary fibre assists in bowel health, maintains blood sugar levels and overall health, fibre is found in most fruits. Unfortunately dietary fibre is often lost when just drinking fruit juice, so whole fruit is best. Try apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries and raspberries for a boost.

2) Boost your team's energy levels
It's no secret Australians love their coffee, with cafes on every corner and a seemingly endless supply of caffeine available.
But did you know eating an apple will provide you more energy than a cup of coffee? Even more reason to keep them around the office.
There are plenty fresh fruits that offer caffeine-free options to increase your energy levels. Research has also shown that oranges, grapefruit, berries and melon can help you stay mentally focused.
The natural and healthy sugars in fruit will keep you feeling energised throughout the day, so when that 3pm slump comes around, you don't need to feel guilty about reaching for a snack.

3) Stops us from snacking on the naughty stuff
We all experience the 3pm slump; the cravings for a sugar hit creep in and you're tempted to reach for chocolate and sweets.
While we're definitely advocates for 'all things in moderation', having fresh, seasonal fruit available in the office is a great way to curb those unhealthy snacking habits.
Even better, high fibre fruits such as apples, pears and raspberries are known for making us feel fuller after eating them. So, opting for healthy snacks like fruit can make it easier to get to the end of the day without taking more snack breaks.

4) Helps reduce the risk of serious illness
While there's no single food that can prevent cancer on its own, a balanced, plant-based diet filled with fresh fruit and vegetables can definitely help lower the risk for many types of cancers, according to the Australian Cancer Council.
Certain fruits that are very rich in nutrients and antioxidants, such as beta-carotene, vitamin E and selenium, which help the body's cells function optimally. Including regular fruit and vegetables in your diet has been said to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, stroke risk of heart disease and other chronic illnesses.
And it doesn't end there.
According to Harvard University, a fruit and vegetable-rich diet can also have health benefits including lower blood pressure, reduced risk of heart disease and stroke, have a positive effect on blood sugar and lower your change of having eye or digestive problems down the track.

5) And those pesky office colds, too
We all know how easy it is to catch the office bug in winter, and over the last few years that's become so much more important to many of us. But did you know that having fresh office fruit on hand is an excellent way to keep your immune system strong and promote a speedy recovery if you do catch anything?
Eating fruits such as pineapple, strawberries, citrus fruits, grapefruit and kiwi fruit are great ways to get a good hit of vitamin C are boost your immune system.
According to Health Direct, a high dose of vitamin C can lessen the duration of a cold. While Health Direct doesn't seem as certain about this one, the BBC also claims that eating brightly coloured fruit and vegetables can help prevent a cold.
And it's not just vitamin C.
Fruit has a huge range of health benefits and comes packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that will fortify the immune system and keep bodies feeling stronger and healthier.

6) Good food boosts office morale
It's not just the many health benefits that fruit provides.
Think link between our stomach and our brains is an important one. Our gut holds 90% of our serotonin receptors, which is one of the chemicals responsible for regulating moods. This means what we eat has a huge affect on not only our overall wellbeing, but also our moods.
Victoria Health says having a balanced and healthy diet can increase feelings of wellness and improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. They suggest keeping healthy foods readily available and on hand is the best way to encourage healthy food choices every day. This means supplying fresh, juicy fruit for your staff helps their physical and mental health.
Here are some fun fruit facts you might find interesting. Check out our infographic below to learn more.
7) Believe it or not, paying for fruit can actually save companies money
In the long run, at least.
According to job listings website Indeed, having food available for free in the office means that employees are less likely to take extra breaks to grab a snack from a nearby shop. And depending on their salaries, paying a few dollars per person for fruit can be more cost effective than them not working while grabbing a snack.
Of course, we thing everyone deserves the breaks they're entitled too!

8) An apple a day may keep quitters at bay
In a survey by an American online grocer, 67% of employees who were provided free food at work were "very" or "extremely" happy with their current job, compare to just 56% of those who weren't given any food.
Indeed put two and two together and notes it's not just morale that is increased, but that providing food at work can also help with retention.
We can help with seasonal fruit delivery for the office
To get all these health benefits and more for your team, consider getting a fresh fruit box delivered to your office.
At EatFirst, we source local produce for delivery to your office and this guarantees freshness, quality and supports our Australian farmers and growers and your team's healthy diet.
You'll always enjoy these staples in your fruit box throughout the year:
- Apples
- Bananas
- Pears
- Oranges
Depending on the time of year, you'll enjoy seasonal variety including:
- Stone fruit such as peaches, nectarines and plums
- Mandarins
- Grapes
- Kiwi fruit
- Passionfruit
- Strawberries (comes in a punnet)
Ready to enjoy fresh fruit in the office?
To start this healthy habit in your office, all you need to do is get in touch with EatFirst and we will organise a weekly office fruit box delivery that suits your tastebuds and your wallet. And best of all, you'll only receive one consolidated invoice for all your fruit deliveries, making it easier for your accounts department to stay on top of payments and processes. If you're looking for office fruit box delivery in , Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Canberra, Newcastle, Gold Coast for your staff, speak to one of our kitchen supplies consultants on 1300 851 900 for a free quote.